Discover our
Mission and Values
We’re on a mission to lead people to BetterDays.
We are focused on the full spectrum of leaders within the Christian church, including full-time employees, part-time employees, volunteers, ministry leaders, and missionaries.
Although we have a special interest in serving and aiding church leadership, our counseling services are open to all who may be interested.
Core Values

The Gospel
We believe in the gospel of Jesus. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s love and salvation and nothing we can do to lose His love. We believe reconciliation with God through Christ brings ultimate rest to the soul. This declaration of peace by the grace of God is received by faith. The good news of Jesus is what brings ultimate transformation now and forever.

The Church
We believe the primary context of soul care should be in community. Therefore, we come alongside the church as a partner in ministry and seek to involve them when possible in the process. Our goal is to join God in the work He is doing through the church and to help encourage soul care within the local church.

The Bible
We believe that the Holy Spirit brings holistic transformation to a believer’s life. He does this primarily through the Word of God. We believe the Bible is our final authority for faith and life, that it is a fountain of living water and the standard by which we understand God, the world and ourselves.

God’s Glory
We believe we were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Our care of souls is done with this foundation and goal in mind. Our passion is to see God magnified, and to helpclients experience their maximum satisfaction in Christ. The more we are conformed to the image of Christ, the more we are equipped to glorify and enjoy God in all things.