About our
Care for Pastors
Applying Christ-centered wisdom to daily struggles of life and church leadership.
The staff of BetterDays is skilled in understanding a church leader’s unique leadership role. We come alongside church leaders in the brokenness of life and in their particular calling.
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
– Acts 20:28
Pastoral soul care combines elements of counseling and discipleship. It is our one-on-one connection with pastors and ministry leaders.
The objective of Pastoral Care is to encourage authentic worship, wise stewardship, and healthy relationships in the leader’s life through regular one-on-one meetings.
- We offer pastors refuge in times of struggle and preventative care for their personal development.
- These meetings are confidential. In some cases, the counselor may find it helpful to involve spouses, children, or co-workers if a client is comfortable with it.
Discovery Retreats.
Discovery Retreats are three-day retreats for pastors, church leaders, elders, directors, and leadership teams that offer both guidance and instruction as well as time for rest and rejuvenation. It is a place and time to rediscover the Spirit at work in your life and to listen to him calling you deeper into the journey of faith.
Scripture, time in nature, solitude, simple meals, and prayer are all structured to heighten the awareness of God’s powerful and abundant presence in your life.
We provide instruction, creative exercises, small group discussions, and personal direction. Discovery retreats can be custom-built to suit the needs of an organization or church. BetterDays also hosts pastoral marriage retreats as well as pastor’s wives retreats. Join our Interest List today to stay informed about upcoming retreats and trips.
Upcoming Retreats

Pastor’s Discovery Retreat
April 28 – May 1 2025